The Transportation Planning Department provides administration of the Mobile Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Urbanized Area of Mobile County. Staff maintains and develops the 25 year Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the 5 year short range plan (the Transportation Improvement Program or TIP), the Congestion Management Process (CMP), the carpooling CommuteSmart Program and the annual Unified Planning Work Program.
The Mobile MPO votes on all federal surface transportation dollars to be spent in the Mobile Urbanized Area, and can program close to $10 million a year for transportation improvements through the planning process. The Department also works with the areas of the Region that are not included in the Mobile MPO study area; this program is the Rural Planning Organization (RPO). The RPO includes a strategic planning process among rural participants to identify future transportation improvements in the rural, and is ALDOT’s rural consultation process.
SARPC is the Designated Recipient for several federal transportation funding programs. SARPC receives apportioned funding for the Transportation Alternatives Programs (TAP) for bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and is also the designated recipient for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program. Both of these federal funding programs are distributed throughout the Urbanized Area through an annual competitive process.
It is the goal of the Mobile Metropolitan Planning Organization and the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission to not let our infrastructure be an impediment to our growth. All of the programs that help us achieve this goal can be found at the SARPC Transportation Planning Department’s web page here: Transportation Planning Website